
Plutarch says of people who waste their feelings on guinea pigs & pet dogs, that the love element in all of us, if deprived of any adequate object, will seek out something trivial & false rather than let itself stay unengaged. So the psyche in its passions prefers to deceive itself or even in spite of itself invent some non sensical object rather than give up all drive or aim- Jaspers

Mirror neurons - Scholarpedia

Mirror neurons - Scholarpedia

about artificial sweetner myth
An interesting hypothesis about catatonia- A very interesting hypothesis proposed by Moskowitz (2004) suggests that catatonia may be understood as an evolutionary fear response, originating in ancestral encounters with carni vores whose predatory instincts were triggered by movement . This response, of remaining still, is now expressed in a range of major psychiatric or medical conditions, where catatonic stupor may represent a common ‘end-state’ response to feelings of imminent doom.....
My teacher told us few days back, rather mockingly, that females are stronger gender than opposite sex. though i knew all of its analysis, his way of putting it after mocking at females [ n me being pro- females] it kinda annoyed me... but idea lingered on in my mind...n i looked up for it in each patient and people around me.. n u see what mind looks for.. Today, happened to interview a patient with alcohol dependence with all its possible complications..with initial resistance talking about alcohol, it was revealed that pt actually stays with his girlfriend after abandoning wife...n now his girlfriend sustains him by feeding him to get his money every month...n dumps him in hospital when he goes haywire under alcohol intoxication and hepatic i wonder, is the man fool?? why is he still in 'abusive' relationship? difficult to answer for him. things are not simple as i've put it...der must be other side of story..but at least it appears that females actu

Edwards and Gross- BMJ edited.PDF - Powered by Google Docs

Edwards and Gross- BMJ edited.PDF - Powered by Google Docs